Monday 22 September 2014

Health benefits of smoking cessation:

More Presentations from Dr.Naina Mohamed Pakkir Maideen
Ø The smokers who quit smoking before the age of 40 live about 10 years longer, on average.

Ø The health of smokers will improve in following ways, when they quit smoking…

·      Better sex

·      Improved fertility

·      Younger looking skin

·      Whiter teeth

·      Better breathing

·      Longer life

·      Less stress

·      Improved smell and taste

·      More energy

·      Healthier loved ones

Ø Stop Smoking and Stay Healthy

Thursday 18 September 2014

Smoking cessation:

More Presentations from Dr.Naina Mohamed Pakkir Maideen

©  Many smokers understood the ill effects of smoking and tried to quit smoking, but failed due to addiction.

©  The Public Health Service (PHS) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) guidelines for treating tobacco use and dependence, recommends…

·      Brief clinical interventions

·      Pharmacotherapy

©  The PHS guidelines emphasize on use of the 5 A's in clinical settings:

·      Ask about tobacco use

·      Advise to quit

·      Assess willingness to make a quit attempt

·      Assist in quit attempt

·      Arrange for follow-up

©  Nicotine dependence may be treated by the following…

·      Nicotine replacement Therapy (NRT)

o  Over-the-counter (e.g., Nicotine patch, gum, lozenge)

o  Prescription (e.g., Nicotine inhaler, nasal spray)

·      Non-nicotine Prescription medications

o  Bupropion SR (Zyban®)

o  Varenicline tartrate (Chantix®)

©  TIPS to quit smoking

·      Hide the matches, lighters, and ashtrays.

·      Designate the home a non-smoking area.

·      Ask people not to smoke around you.

·      Drink fewer caffeinated beverages which may stimulate the urge to smoke.

·      Avoid alcohol which may also increase the urge to smoke.

·      Change the habits connected with smoking.

·      Keep mints or gum (preferably sugarless) on hand to suppress urge to smoke.

·      Stay active to keep the mind off smoking and help relieve tension.

·      Take a walk, exercise, read a book, brush your teeth, take a shower, take a deep breath or try a new a hobby.

·      Make a list of reasons why you want to quit.

·      Carry this with you at all times. When you have an urge for a cigarette, read your list and it will help strengthen your resolve.

·      Look for support from others. Join a support group or smoking cessation program.

·      Do not go places where many people are smoking such as bars or clubs, and smoking sections of restaurants.

·      Find someone who can support you, for example a family member, friend or doctor.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Smoking and young generation:

More Presentations from Dr.Naina Mohamed Pakkir Maideen

§  Many kids start using tobacco by age 11and many are addicted by age 14.

§  Teens are often influenced by TV, movies, the Internet, advertising, and their own friends.

§  Smoking parents should quit first to influence their children.

§  Parents should talk to their kids about the ill effects of smoking.

§  CDC recommends the parents to offer their smoking kids with 5 Ds to get through the tough times:

o  Delay: The craving will go away with time.

o  Deep breath: Take a few calming deep breaths.

o  Drink water: It will help flush out the chemicals.

o  Do something else: Find a new, healthy habit.

o  Discuss: Talk about your thoughts and feelings.

§  Let’s make the next generation tobacco-free!